Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lesbians and meat

It should surprise no one that I spent this past Friday doing my usual dance-around-with-a-bunch-of-queers-wearing-translucent-clothing thing. 

Thanks, Bloodhound Photography!

"I love a bold eye with an understated lip." Uh yeah. Me too?

I would describe my stylistic choices for the evening as "Clarissa, having explained it all, finds herself turning tricks to support her milkshake habit."

Speaking of milkshakes, I spent Saturday doing the best/worst thing for which I've ever been even partially responsible. And that thing, my friends, was building a meat castle. A team of ragtag hooligans assembled in North Portland to design and create a fortress made of spare ribs, sausage links, bacon, and ground veal. We had very high hopes initially, attempting to craft elaborate trusses using our collective (minimal) knowledge of architecture and structural engineering.

What we wound up with was less of a castle and more of a double wide, complete with a nativity in the front yard.

Oh little town of Bethleham.
Also, can someone tell me what Pinterest is? I just want to understand where all of my married sorority sisters get their ideas for holiday crafts, and why none of those craft projects involve meat. Knowledge is power!

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